Maya Angelou said, Love liberates.
My journey started in South Africa, took me to Taiwan and now Canada. I didn’t know when I longed for liberation that it would first take me right back to where I was born.
Love has liberated me and keeps liberating me.
I have learned that my liberation has always been connected to the liberation of others.
It all starts with Love.
When I first heard the call of Love and Liberation, I was a young girl, looking up from the backseat of our Opel Monza out into the darkness of the Stellenbosch mountains. I had a sense even then that the world I was longing for, was not small, white and exclusive, but expansive, loving, and brimming with all of humanity. It was so different from the story so many people around me believed. Finding a more beautiful way, has been my quest. I have been relentless in my pursuit, crossing continents, reading for clues and keys, going to places of pain and injustice and looking for the sacred in each person I encounter.
Love is the door.